Grandparents Apart UK

Grandparents Apart UK
"Bringing Families Together"

Thursday, February 12, 2009

did you see gm TV this morning , Denise Roberts . Tim HEMMING . and the solicitor for couple who wrongfully had their children taken away was on . the couple themselves will be on gm tv on monday17.2.2009. they will be discussing their possible next step which may include going to European court of human rights . i shall be watching this story with interest to see what unfolds. i was shocked to realise that in family law courts where a doctor has found what he thinks is abuse and deems the parents responsible ,you cannot ask for a second opinion or you could be sent to prison . so no way of proving innocence ,how ridiculous is that . the judge said they [the parents in this case ] although now proven innocent cannot have their children back as 3 years had passed and would cause too much upset all round . i am sure it will be more damaging for these children to be told later in their lives their parents were innocent but we decided you could not go back to your family. surely they could slowly be reintroduced back into these children's lives. and what about the rights of the child that they have with them, surely this child has the right to know it,s brothers and sisters .

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