Our granchlidren need us not only to love them but to care and look out for them,i have contact now with my grandkids but i remember when i had no contact at all,i saw what it done to them, scared to come to close in case i was gone again, i know this feeling, i know how i coped,feeling like my world had ended they felt the same way to.parents have no right to do this to there kids its a form of cruelty,i know my grandkids hold back the tears in case the get punished and for what,loving me.i coun my blessings as i know they can be taken away at any time,what right does a parent have to hurt the kids to spite me,even to this day i do not understand this social services to me dont care if they did they woul ask the child where they wanted to stay i hope one day this is made law,ho else have these kids to look out for them if not us.when im with them i can face the world when im apart i just crumble like a living death.time we all took a stand make the law realise we are not the threat.
Yes Charmed you are spot on.
ReplyDeleteIt is the politicians that are behind all of this. They have the power to change things.
It is immoral what is going on just now, I am being blackmailed by the children's mother, she is a monster and should not be near the children.